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Cold War Project


Our goal is to advance and facilitate the study of the history of the Cold War era by supporting original historical research; by fostering innovative inquiry; by creating opportunities for engagement among members of the national and international scholarly community studying the history of the Cold War.

The Cold War began at the close of the WW II and ended with the dissolution of the Soviet Union. The Cold War was more than an arm race. It was the military, economic and ideological confrontation that brought us, more than once, to the brink of nuclear war. It touched many aspects of life. The United States and the Soviet Union were major protagonists, but almost every nation in the world was affected in some way, as were all who lived through those years.

This site is designed to facilitate continued study of the Cold War era. In our attempt to provide a full range of information we encourage educationally enhancing information from visitors.

Until this page is completed please see us at our original server: http://www.videofact.com/coldwar.htm